Primary Recruitment

Primary Recruitment 2025

This is the schedule for Primary Recruitment 2025. Please continue to visit this website and our social media platforms for more information and updates regarding Primary Recruitment Registration.

Recruitment Round Schedules (click on the image below to see schedules for each round)

2025 Registration is now open and will close January 5th, 2025!


What is Primary Recruitment?

Primary Recruitment takes place in the Spring semester! All sororities participate in Primary Recruitment.

You must register for recruitment in order to participate. Below you can find a breakdown of the requirements as well as the different rounds that take place during Primary Recruitment.

Potential New Member Video Upload Instruction


CLICK HERE (Video tutorial)

Recruitment Information Session


Potential New Member Recommended Look Book


Recruitment Info Session on Zoom- December 29th, 6:30 – 8pm

Requirements to Participate in Recruitment

In order to participate in recruitment you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • At least a 2.5 cumulative GPA
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student at Penn State University Park
  • Completed at least 14 credits at a Penn State campus OR 27 transfer credits OR be classified as an adult learner by Penn State
  • Not have conduct probation with a transcript notation at the time of recruitment or intake
  • Not be suspended or expelled at the time of recruitment or intake
  • Register on Campus Director
  • Complete the online information session and accept the Terms and Conditions for Fraternity/Sorority Members  *Terms and Conditions are accessible through the QR code at the end of the session* 

2025 Recruitment Schedule

We look forward to your participation in our upcoming Primary Recruitment process! Included below are important dates/times to add to your calendar. To view party schedules for each round, click on the image above.

Registration Closes: January 8th, 2025 at 11:59 PM

Potential New Member Orientation:

  • January 17, 2025  

Asynchronous Panhellenic Preview Round:

  • January 21, 2025
  • January 22, 2025

Philanthropy Round:

  • January 24, 2025
  • January 25, 2025
  • January 26, 2025

Sisterhood Round:

  • January 29, 2025 
  • January 30, 2025
  • January 31, 2025
  • February 1 2025

Preference Round:

  • February 2, 2025

Bid Day:

  • February 3, 2025 in the BJC

Pi Chi Groups

You will be assigned to a Pi Chi group before recruitment begins. A Pi Chi group is a group of other potential new members that you will go through recruitment with. Each group is led by three recruitment counselors, called “Pi Chis” (hence the name, Pi Chi group). These leaders are current Penn State sorority members that are there throughout the entire recruitment period to offer unbiased guidance and help you through the process. In addition, there are five Pi Chi Directors that oversee all of the Pi Chis. Please look to them as a resource as well! During Orientation, you will receive much more detailed information about the recruitment process.


Your first step is to attend a mandatory orientation session. In the orientation session, you will get a step-by-step walk-through of each part of the process, what to expect, where to find resources and more. 

Panhellenic Preview Round

Your next step is Panhellenic Preview Round! First, you will view videos created by all 21 sororities to learn about each individual chapter completing reflections so you can compare your values when it is fresh in your mind. Lastly, you will complete selections using a computer program guided by your Pi Chi.

Philanthropy Round

Philanthropy Round is where you will get an in-depth understanding of each sorority’s cause. You will again meet your Pi Chis on Zoom and receive a new schedule with a maximum of 12 sororities to visit. The time spent at each party increases every round, and during this round, each chapter will inform you of its philanthropic pursuits. You will receive a t-shirt provided by the Panhellenic Council for this round. 

 You must visit all of the sororities on your schedule. At the end of your last party, you will again complete selections with your Pi Chi based on the sororities you visited. 

All parties (or assigned meeting times where you will go see a sorority) will be in-person with hybrid accommodations available only for those who have COVID-19 or symptoms. You will be entirely responsible for attending each party on your own. You can visit a maximum of 12 sororities during this round. You must visit ALL of the sororities on your schedule or you will be withdrawn from the process. Penn State Panhellenic facilitates values-based recruitment where all chapters are equal, which is why all given parties must be attended. 

At the conclusion of the Philanthropy Round, you will meet with your Pi Chi to reflect on the chapters you visit and again to complete selections for the sororities that you visited on a computer.

Sisterhood Round

Sisterhood Round is where you will get to experience what makes each chapter such a special sisterhood. You will again meet your Pi Chis and receive a new schedule with a maximum of 7 sororities to visit. The time spent at each party increases every round, and during this round, each chapter will inform you of its values and their version of sisterhood. 

 You must visit all of the sororities on your schedule. At the end of your last party, you will again complete selections with your Pi Chi based on the sororities you visited. 

Preference Round

Following Sisterhood Rounds, it is the final round of primary recruitment parties; Preference Round. On the morning of the Preference Round, you will again meet with your Pi Chis to receive your schedule for the day. The dress is a cocktail or semi-formal dress. This is the most special day of recruitment,  as chapters will be sharing a glimpse of their unique rituals with you. You will visit a maximum of two sororities and spend 50 minutes with each. After your last party, you will rank the sororities that you visited in order of preference, with your number one choice being the chapter you wish to join.

Bid Day

The day after Preference Round is Bid Day. Dress is casual and you will be given a shirt by your chapter (so wear a top that you can easily put a shirt over). You will meet your Pi Chi group beforehand and sit with your group in the BJC. Everyone will receive an envelope with your bid card (or invitation to join a particular sorority) and the whole room will open their bids at the same time. After you open your bid, you will join your new sorority and fellow new members on the upper concourse of the BJC. Primary Recruitment is officially over – it’s time to relax and enjoy time with your new sisters!


If you are unable to attend some of the recruitment because of class, there is a potential new member conflict which you can fill out, it will open once recruitment begins. However, if an event is missed without an excuse, you will not be able to participate in the rest of recruitment and may not be able to join a sorority, so plan ahead of time!

Recruitment is a long process, but is fun and rewarding! You will meet lots of new people and meet your potential new sisters! More information will be given at Orientation about what to expect and how to go through recruitment.

Please email our Vice President for Recruitment, Lauren Roberts, at if you have any questions or concerns after reading! 

Check out our Instagram @pennstatephc for the most recent updates!

Helpful Links!