Greek Alphabet
Α ALPHA (AL-fuh)
Β BETA (BAY-tuh) Γ GAMMA (GAM-uh) Δ DELTA (DEL-tuh) Ε EPSILON (EP-sil-on) Ζ ZETA (ZAY-tuh) Η ETA (AY-tuh) Θ THETA (THAY-tuh) Ι IOTA (eye-OH-tuh) Κ KAPPA (KAP-uh) Λ LAMBDA (LAM-duh) Μ MU (MYOO) |
Ξ XI (ZEE) Ο OMICRON (OM-i-KRON) Π PI (PIE) Ρ RHO (ROW) Σ SIGMA (SIG-muh) Τ TAU (tah) Υ UPSILON (OOP-si-LON) Φ PHI (f-eye or fee) Χ CHI (K-EYE) Ψ PSI (SIGH) Ω OMEGA (oh-MAY-guh) |
- Active:
A woman who has been initiated into lifelong sorority membership.- Alumna:
An initiated sorority member who has graduated from college.- Bid:
A formal invitation given to a potential new member to join a sorority.- Chapter:
The local group of a national sorority.- Initiation:
A formal ceremony through which new members become active members, sisters, of a sorority.- Interfraternity Council (IFC):
The inter-fraternity programming and governing body; the fraternities’ equivalent of the Panhellenic Council.- Legacy:
A woman whose mother, sister or grandmother is an active member or alumna of a sorority.- New Member:
A woman who has accepted a sorority’s bid for membership but has not yet been initiated.- Panhellenic Council (PHC):
The inter-sorority programming and governing body.- Philanthropy:
A charitable fund-raiser or service project sponsored by a sorority or fraternity.- Pi Chi:
A sorority member who leads a Recruitment group of PNMs through the stages of Recruitment. She is unbiased and is willing to honestly answer any questions about sororities and recruitment.- Potential New Member (PNM):
A woman who is participating in recruitment, commonly referred to as a PNM.- Quota:
The maximum number of new members a sorority may accept through Formal Recruitment.- Recommendation:
A written letter sent by an alumna recommending a woman for membership in a sorority.- Sister:
A term used by sorority members in the same chapter to refer to one another.