Why Go Greek: Maddy Gist

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“I decided to go through recruitment fall of my freshman year because my best friend I met in summer was and had so many great stories of her family in Greek life.  I knew it was a great opportunity to meet a lot of new people and become a part of the largest women’s organization on campus.  I love the opportunities Greek life has given me and all of the great people I have met!”

-Maddy Gist, VP for Programming

Why Go Greek: Marisa Howley

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“When I first joined a sorority, I had no idea how much of a positive impact it would have on my college experience. My sorority has pushed me to realize my potential as a leader and given me so many opportunities for growth. Most importantly, however, my sorority has given me my best friends that will be there long after graduation. ”

-Marisa Howley, VP for Membership

Why Go Greek: Abby Renko



“I graduated from high school with a class of about 70 people, so having a large friend group was never really an option. I joined a sorority to meet new people and make friends to share my college experience with, but I never imagined everything else being a Panhellenic woman would give me over the years. Not only have I made lifelong friends but I’ve also been able to seize opportunities in leadership, scholarship, and personal development that will stay with me years after I graduate. Joining a sorority was the best decision I’ve made in college and I plan to cherish every moment of this last year in State College with my friends and sisters!”

– Abby Renko, Penn State Panhellenic President