Check out our 2022 LookBook for outfit ideas with lots of pictures!
During the recruitment process, it is strongly advised that all participants wear a warm jacket and comfortable shoes when traveling to and from recruitment events. Please keep in mind recruitment is taking place during the middle of winter. In case of any extreme or inclement weather, everyone is advised to dress as warmly and comfortably as possible REGARDLESS of the dress code. Additionally, other arrangements or suggestions may be made to ensure the safety of all women participating in recruitment.
Dress Code: Casual
This is just an information session to talk about the different events you are required to go to and what to expect.The dress attire for recruitment orientation is very casual and comfortable, such as leggings, jeans, and t-shirts.
Panhellenic Preview:
Dress Code: Casual
For the first three days of recruitment, Potential New Members will be required to wear the t-shirt provided to them at orientation. This t-shirt may not be altered. Due to colder weather, you may want to wear a cardigan or jacket. You can wear jeans or pants on the bottom and any kind of shoes. Remember to keep it appropriate and comfortable because you will be walking to all the sorority suites!
Philanthropy Round:
Dress Code: Casual
Potential New Members will be required to wear the t-shirt provided to them at orientation and should dress casually, but neatly. You are welcome to wear sneakers, booties, or whatever footwear makes you feel confident. Look nice, but also remember to be comfortable and warm!
Sisterhood Round:
Dress Code: Dressy Casual
For second rounds, the attire is dressier. Try to wear nice shoes or booties Potential New Members will be required to wear the t-shirt provided to them at orientation and should dress casually, but neatly. You are welcome to wear sneakers, booties, or whatever footwear makes you feel confident. Look nice, but also remember to be comfortable and warm! We also recommend wearing tights under dresses or skirts due to cold weather. Please wear warm comfortable shoes to walk in between areas and bring shoes that are not winter proof.
Preference Day:
Dress Code: Semi-formal dresses and heels
Preference day is the most formal round of recruitment. Most girls will be wearing cocktail-type dresses, or jumpsuits and nude or colored heels or booties. It is recommended that you bring and wear a comfortable pair of shoes when traveling to and from recruitment parties as well as a jacket to keep warm!
Bid Day:
Dress Code: Casual
The dress attire for bid day is casual. You can wear jeans or pants and a t-shirt or tank. Once you meet your sorority, you will be given a shirt to wear for the rest of the day’s celebrations. Please remember to bring a jacket incase you need to travel outdoors for any reason!