Kappa Delta ΚΔ

 “Let Us Strive for That Which is Honorable, Beautiful, and Highest”

President: Alexandra Jaffe

Email: amj6358@psu.edu

Chapter Website: http://psu.kappadelta.org/

National Founding Date: 10/23/1897, Longwood University, Farmville, Virginia

Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of the USA and Prevent Child Abuse America

Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White

Symbol: Nautilus Shell and Dagger

Nickname: KD

Social Media:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/KappaDeltaPennsylvaniaStateUniversity/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/kappadelta_psu
Instagram: http://instagram.com/kd_psu/
Tumblr: http://kdpsu.tumblr.com
VSCO: http://vsco.co/kdpsu/images/1

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